Tuesday, April 29, 2008

So close...

My physics class was cancelled today. I was upset for about half a second because we could have signed today but the only time they had open was during class and I really, really want to pass this class with a c. Yes, its a horribly sad thing I will have a c on my transcripts. It will stand out like a sore thumb and I will say I thought I was invincible. (Plus the tests were hard :( the best score on one of them was an 86 but he still refused to "curve" it. Since I'm in my second stats class I know that a true curve is a bad thing. I'm talking the type where they make the highest score the points possible for the test. Speaking of taking stats twice, I took it in high school and did not take the test because I didn't think I would pass it. Apparently now all you have to do is take the class and you get credit, for ISU nonetheless. Sure wish it would have been like that for me. Anyways, I really don't have any excuse for this sad sad c. I wish I did but I don't. I will maybe take the class over? We will see. I am really excited for this fall. :) I think my classes should go pretty good.

Yes, the point; I only have one more of each of my classes and then the finals next week. So two more times total. And we close on our house TOMMORROW at four o clock. Apparently month end is very busy for signing and we barely got squeezed in, hence my above dissapointment. Damien was talking very loudly during class today while the teacher was talking about grades. He made an "ahh" sound really loud and the teacher said that yes, he could have an a. I'm excited to have yet another math class with her next semester, and I won't slack off as much as I did this semester, or leave my quiz till midnight the night before. (Yes, one procrastinative quiz is my downfall). Life is crazy busy and I cannot wait until Saturday, which I have completely no work scheduled on, when we can start moving into our humble abode. WOOOOOOOOO.

Scarlett made a mess in her crate. :S I am very upset. She was doing so good for the past month or so we were even leaving her out when we were gone but then the last week or two she has been shredding the newspaper (an OLD habit) and making messes. I'm not sure what triggered it but it sure was nice when she was behaving. Anyways, love to all, hope spring has finally sprung for everyone!

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