Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Little blind spider took the wheel...

...navigatin grass blades completely by feel.

Little dune buggy
in the sand
little blue dune buggy
in my hand.

Summer's so close!

Forgot to upload this picture yesterday, listening to The Presidents of the United States of America. :) Ready to head up to IF to grab a few groceries and look at flooring for the living room, oh yeah, and best of all... CLOSE ON OUR HOUSE!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

So close...

My physics class was cancelled today. I was upset for about half a second because we could have signed today but the only time they had open was during class and I really, really want to pass this class with a c. Yes, its a horribly sad thing I will have a c on my transcripts. It will stand out like a sore thumb and I will say I thought I was invincible. (Plus the tests were hard :( the best score on one of them was an 86 but he still refused to "curve" it. Since I'm in my second stats class I know that a true curve is a bad thing. I'm talking the type where they make the highest score the points possible for the test. Speaking of taking stats twice, I took it in high school and did not take the test because I didn't think I would pass it. Apparently now all you have to do is take the class and you get credit, for ISU nonetheless. Sure wish it would have been like that for me. Anyways, I really don't have any excuse for this sad sad c. I wish I did but I don't. I will maybe take the class over? We will see. I am really excited for this fall. :) I think my classes should go pretty good.

Yes, the point; I only have one more of each of my classes and then the finals next week. So two more times total. And we close on our house TOMMORROW at four o clock. Apparently month end is very busy for signing and we barely got squeezed in, hence my above dissapointment. Damien was talking very loudly during class today while the teacher was talking about grades. He made an "ahh" sound really loud and the teacher said that yes, he could have an a. I'm excited to have yet another math class with her next semester, and I won't slack off as much as I did this semester, or leave my quiz till midnight the night before. (Yes, one procrastinative quiz is my downfall). Life is crazy busy and I cannot wait until Saturday, which I have completely no work scheduled on, when we can start moving into our humble abode. WOOOOOOOOO.

Scarlett made a mess in her crate. :S I am very upset. She was doing so good for the past month or so we were even leaving her out when we were gone but then the last week or two she has been shredding the newspaper (an OLD habit) and making messes. I'm not sure what triggered it but it sure was nice when she was behaving. Anyways, love to all, hope spring has finally sprung for everyone!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Closing time...

We should close on MONDAY. YAYYAYAYYAYAYAYYAYYAYAYAY. (does a happy little dance across the room)

With that excitement out of the way, I shall leave you to your own devices.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Did I say sun? No, I must have meant snow. Lots and lots of horribly bad terrible no good snow. WHY? The day started off windy and the afternoon brought snow. I was not prepared and wore flip flops to class today. On my way to the parking lot I slipped and fell. :( Got my jeans all muddy. Guess I'll have to put Damiens snow cover back on his car seat. Where is May and it's flowers?

Damien has a little bald spot where his hair has rubbed off but not too bad. He is just as big as roxy now and she is a whole month older! Damien came cleaning with me yesterday and he and roxy just stared at each other during their tummy time on the floor. It was cute. I just barely put clean sheets on the bed and while I was getting him ready this morning he managed to pee and spit up two huge spots. I can't wait until we have our house and I don't have to get him ready on our bed. :)

His little outfit has a little bit of chocolate on it from the drumstick I had today. Oops. I'm getting pretty good at multi tasking that's for sure.

Still no word on the repairs we asked the seller to make. Financing will be done here any day so we're just waiting on them.

Quick pointless update. Just hopped online real quick before work to see if a) Jackie had emailed me about the sellers or b) if my stats teacher had posted the quiz scores. As neither event has occured I guess I am off to get ready for work. WOOOOOO!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

here comes the sun

Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter

Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun

and I say

it's all right

I am so ready for some sunshine I could cry. We are all done transplanting at the greenhouse, my grandpa did not plant very many plants at all this year. Damien ate and ate and ate last night and has been continuing the trend this morning. Must be going through a growth spurt or something. He is already so big! Did I mention his stats from the last doctor visit yet? I don't think I did. He was 23 3/4 inches long which is in the 77th percentile for his age. He is so long! He weighed 12 lbs 5 oz and his head is 15 3/4 inches now. His height and head size are still in the 50th percentile, but he is already tall. He keeps getting thrush really bad in his mouth. :( Everyone always looks so curious at his purple lips. If I ever find my camera I have so many pictures I want to share! This one of him eating his monkey is while I was working in the greenhouses yesterday. (took it on my phone) He sure does love his singing monkey. He has got ooo down pretty good and everyone once in awhile he will make an "eye" sound. Well, I have a dirty diaper and a pile of dishes and laundry waiting for me. Hope everyone gets some sun here soon!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sooo.... the time has finally come where I can settle into a place and not have to worry about packing everything back up in six months. Yay! I can have a garden, and oodles of flowerbeds to play in! I'm excited that the kitchen is so bland... gives me the perfect opportunity to do it just the way I like it... tall counters for tall me :) In the living room there is a step in the middle of the floor... we are guessing from the addition... and a closet inside of a closet. Soooo.... first thing when we get the house we are going to tear down the outer closet and build up the floor so the room is one big square instead of an awkward two height thing with a big closet cut out of it. There is a root cellar big enough to store all my christmas decor, etc. the stuff you shove in closets, plus a second bedroom which won't be taken up very much by baby stuff. It will completely change the funtionability (is that a word?) of the front room. We have so many plans that we plan to slowly incorporate. Slowly of course because we do not plan on going deep into debt just for vanity, the house is completely functional as it is. TEN DAYS OR LESS!!!!!!!!!! I am so stoked I can hardly focus on anything else... especially not homework... Or work for that matter, I'm at the hotel right now. The weather is HORRIBLE! It's so windy :( Bill and I went swimming at Green Canyon with my brother and his family last night. It was so much fun! Damien absolutely loved it. It was so cute to see him kick his little legs in the water. My neice Adrea and I played on the diving board forever. She can jump on her own but can't get back to the edge without a little help so I would catch her, swim her to the edge, she would jump in again and the whole cycle would repeat itself. Well once I made the mistake of doing a flp off it first so after that I had to do a flip off it first everytime. Doing a flip, swimming us to the edge, getting out repeat repeat repeat. Oh man was it a good workout. Ha ha. Daddy and Damien played in the pool while this was going on until I finally convinced Adrea it was time to visit the baby. Then Bill went to the hot tubs and Damien and I got out because he was getting hungry. He started screaming the second I set him down so I hurried and got him changed and when I went to get dressed myself I discovered my extra shirt had not been packed and I had worn the one I wore to the pool into the pool so all I had was a dripping wet shirt. HORRIBLE! I thought I had just left my sweatshirt in the car so I fed Damien and waited for Bill to get out and then I sent him out to the car to get it... but it ws not out there either. So I had to wear my wet shirt home. Sniff sniff. We actually drove up to the cabin after we were done so we could get the fret for the guitar for the wii that we had accidently left up there and he Bill grabbed me a sweatshirt to borrow. thank goodness, it was mighty chilly last night after the wind started to pick up. I fed Damien again as soon as we got home and he fell asleep so I put him in the bassinet. He only slept for maybe ten minutes and then woke up. So he sat out by mommy while she played some guitar hero and stayed awake until 2 when he decided he was so tired he was going to pull out his high note scream and wake up daddy (who had been asleep since we got home) but fell right back asleep as soon as I cuddled him up in his warm jammies. (He spits up so much :( Anyways this has turned into a much bigger post then I intended I doubt anyone will read the whole thing. If you do congratulations, you have now discovered my ability to tell really long stories about only semi interesting things. Ha ha. You should read some of my hormonal posts from high school. (rolls eyes) Anywho thank goodness those days are gone, and I'm off to do some homework... err... work... err freecell? Ha ha. Love!

Friday, April 11, 2008


The purple cabinets have gotta go, but the yard is AMAZING. :)

Damiens blessing is the day after tommorow and I don't have anything ready! Eee! I hope my mom remembers to pick up his blessing outfit today... Bill and I are using today to get caught up on our errands (when he gets off work that is). We still haven't even done our taxes! Scarlett is sleeping by my feet and Damien is asleep in his bassinett. If only I had enough time to nap too! I really really hope we get this house in Shelley. Talking to the loan officer today, Jackie will be back tommorow. Hopefully it doesn't sell like the last two! It has not been on the market very long so I doubt it...

I have a pell grant for over two thousand dollars for this fall. Amazing! That is practically the cost of tuition, plus I can finally get my benefits from the hotel before then so I won't have to buy the school insurance. We are doing pretty good at sticking to our budget so far this month... and we are already two weeks in so hopefully we can keep it up. Between the hotel, varsity and classic we can maybe finally afford to live on our own... for good.

Random ramblings real quick before I move onto my next set of chores.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Early addiction?

these are my newest pages
look at this smile :D

And then there was more...

This video is off of our camera, the other one was off my phone. Yay for videos! Baby is still sleeping so gonna go get ready for the day and switch loads. ENJOY!

8 weeks old

our lovely little family

Not too long ago I was counting down the weeks until I would finally be able to hold my baby and here I am holding my handsome little boy and he is already 8 weeks old! Daddy is at work and Damien and I don't have very big plans for the day. Finish up some laundry perhaps do some scrapbooking. Damien is already bathed and dressed for the day, I'm not feeling quite as ambitious myself. If the weather is nice enough maybe we'll even go for a walk. We went for one on saturday (I think it was) and Damien slept through the whole thing (can't blame him for how many layers he had on) but Scarlett was overjoyed.

Work tommorow, then Wednesday we go and look at the house in Ammon. I really wish it had a garage and it wasn't so far away... but what a great deal! We will have to see.

Well, lucky me Damien fell asleep on the bed behind me, didn't think he was going to. Guess I'll try and post some pictures and the video of him smiling while I have the chance~\

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I forgot I had even started a blog on this website. Guess I should put it to good use.