Thursday, February 12, 2009

Kung Fu

Taking a break from dinner to do kung fu with daddy, then right back to the food. Lol.

Damien's birthday

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I dyed my hair blonde, but it didn't work well so I went all the way back to platinum. Woot. I was waiting for Damien to wake up from his nap before I went home from my parents house and while I was waiting I decided to borrow my mom's curling iron and try curling my hair (which I have tried many times before with no sucess) and it actually worked! So now I am sporting blonde curly hair, (most days, lol) Which is good cause I don't curl all of my hair and the curling iron is not nearly as hot and damaging as my flat iron. And the last thing my hair needs is more damage. The bleach FRIED my hair.

Enough about that. Damien was sick last weekend, Daddy got sick like a day later, and just as they have both finished recovering, guess who is getting the sniffles. Yup, me. Gotta love it.

School is going, well, it's going. I found out that only 4 of the credits I am taking this semester are going to apply to my degree because they are CUTTING requirements from the current required courses. You have NO idea how happy this makes me. (and yes I am being very sarcastic.) I am never going to graduate at this rate. I have a few decisions I have to make before next semester and they all are bleak.
A) Continue commuting to Pocatello for the next two, possibly three, years.
B) Move to Pocatello to attend ISU full time on campus.
C) Attend school FULL-TIME this summer
D) Change schools
I have opted not to further investigate these options as yet, because each one of them makes me feel incredibly depressed. It's like choosing whether you would like to break your arm or your leg. Either way it's gonna hurt and your gonna lose something. On the positive side of things, I am really enjoying the LITERATURE in my english class. I don't agree with alot of the ways other students are verbally interpreting the stories, but thank goodness it's my opinion which I get to put in my writings. Geology is blah, Math 257 is STILL reviewing material I already have a firm grasp on (statistics/probability) and I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE my snowboarding and my Art Methods and Materials class. Each week all we do is learn about rt techniques and then DO two art projects so we can learn how to present them to the class. (Then we get to keep everything to use as examples in our classrooms). We have made pictures out of leaves, chalk drawings in the fashion of Georgia O'Keefe, weavings, rubbings, collages, etc. It is a blast, I look FORWARD to wednesday evenings.
Speaking of school, I should probably be doing homework right now, but my ambition level is pretty low. Just got done filing taxes and paying bills. All this while checking people out, etc. at work. Wooty woot.
Damien is STILL not walking, although he pulls himself up to standing alot more often. All my new pictures are at home on the desktop, so I don't have any to upload. :( That's ok I post most of them on facebook anyways. I just don't ramble on on facebook like I do here. Lol.